Forest Hills Planning Board 5-19-03


Minutes of the Planning Board

The Village of Forest Hills

        The Planning Board of the Village of Forest Hills met on Monday, May 19, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. at the Cullowhee Valley Recreation Center.  The following members were present:  Gene Tweedy, Mike Germanno, Sally James, Herman Lieberman, and Ruth Shuler.    Village resident Joe Roman was also present.  Vice Chairman Gene Tweedy presided.

        Minutes of the April meeting were approved as circulated.

Old Business

1.      Mr. Tweedy discussed the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance with the Mayor and Councilman Iobst.  He learned that the lawyer still has the draft document and is placing the amendments into the proper legal language.  It is hoped to have the document by the next meeting of the Village Council.

2.      Mr. Tweedy talked with several persons (Chief Engineer, Conrad Burrell, Mr. Gibbs of District II, and Steve Buchanan) regarding the “No Parking” signs for State Road 1330, North Country Club Drive.  The DOT’s decision was that no signs were needed and the Sheriff or the Highway Patrol should be contacted if there were violations.

3.      The golf course proposal was discussed.  Mr. Stewart is trying to locate funding.  Mr. Tweedy had learned that Mr. Green supposedly would donate the old club house to Mr. Stewart.  There is also the possibility of residents purchasing property from Stewart to bring down costs.

New Business

1.      Mr. Tweedy announced that this meeting would be his last as chairman.  There was a discussion of the terms of members of the Planning Board,  and Mr. Germanno had a listing which reflected the following:  Class of 2003:  John Adams, Sally James, Mike Germanno;  Class of 2004:  David Shapiro, Gene Tweedy; Class of 2005:  Herman Lieberman, Ruth Shuler.  The Planning Board agreed to make the following recommendation to the Village Council:  that  Mike Germanno be reappointed as ETJ representative, that Joe Roman be appointed to John Adams’ slot, and that Sally James serve until a replacement could be obtained for her slot.  Mr. Tweedy will make this recommendation to the Council and ask them to make these appointments at the June meeting so that the Planning Board can re-establish new officers at its June meeting.

2.      The need for a Vision Statement for the community was explored in depth.  The Planning Board agreed that there needed to be better communication between the Vouncil and the Planning Board, that Planning Board members should attend Council meetings, and that there needed to be a newsletter mailed to all residents to keep them apprised of what is happening with the Council and the Planning Board.  Because of his experience in the area of planning, Joe Roman was asked to develop a draft statement based on the original survey of Village residents and bring back to the Planning Board at its June meeting.  Gene Tweedy will call the Village Clerk for a mailing list of all residents.  Ruth Shuler will type and mail a newsletter once it is implemented.


1.  Mr. Tweedy sent minutes of the previous meeting to the Village Council.

2.      Gene also obtained bids for the connecting road between North and South Country Club roads.  This is to be a 9’ wide, graveled road with mudholes filled, culverts installed, and holes filled.  The road is already part of the Village plat, so no other legalities are needed.

3.      Mr. Roman attended the BOCC meeting which included the public hearing on the county’s noise ordinance.  This was a common interest meeting among the county’s municipalities.  Upon approval of the county noise ordinance, the Village can strengthen the ordinance to meet its needs.

4.      There was discussion about the $5,000 bill the Village received from the Economic Development Commission. 

5.      The next Council meeting will be June 2.  Joe Roman will plan to attend.

6.      Expenses for the Planning Board were included in the proposed budget which the Council will consider at the public hearing on June 2..  Information has been received that the Village is eligible for franchise fees.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


Ruth C. Shuler

Secretary ProTem