Village of Forest Hills
Planning Board Minutes
October 20, 2003
Present: Herman Lieberman, Joe Roman, David Shapiro, Gene Tweedy; Dick Iobst; Clark Corwin (visitor).
Gene called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. He indicated that Ruth Shuler will be absent this month and next due to Roy (her husband) undergoing surgery. All PB members shared that their thoughts are with Ruth and Roy at this time.
Dick Yobst reported that the Council voted against the southern loop (2:1) and against building sidewalks outside of our community, tabled further discussion of village ordinance because of the late hour, and reported on vandalism in the community. Dick recalled that he was asked to remove an old Jeep near the University Inn, which led to a misunderstanding with the police. Dick had approved someone who assumed ownership to move the Jeep, although the Jeep was titled to a legal owner. Dick reported that the Council will approve reimbursing $20 for towing, but not for the $529 to the person who moved the Jeep and invested into its repair.
Gene recognized all those who were responsible for producing the first issue of the Village newsletter; responsible parties included Joe and Ruth Roman, Irene Hooper, Ruth Shuler, Joe Rozanno, and Gene and Betty Tweedy. All agreed that it is a very nice job and adds to the community feel of our neighborhood.
Gene raised the topic of elections for the PB. After raising and seconding motions, Joe Roman was elected Chairperson and Gene Tweedy was elected Vice Chairperson. David Shapiro agreed to continue to serve as Secretary.
All approved the August and September minutes. David will begin forwarding the minutes to Joe, beginning with these October minutes.
Joe recalled discussion from last month regarding occasional cancellation of PB meetings as appropriate. He requested that in order to avoid conflicts with the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, the next meeting will be held in January. The time until the next meeting will be used to work on the land use plan. All agreed.
David invited Clark Corwin to consider serving the PB as a member. Clark decided to visit the PB meeting to observe the proceedings before deciding whether to serve. He will respond to Gene and Joe regarding the invitation.
Gene dismissed the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Submitted by,
David Shapiro