The Village of Forest Hills
Planning Board
August 18, 2003
7:00 p.m.
The following Planning Board members were present:
Eugene Tweedy
Joseph Roman
Herman Lieberman
Michael Germano
The Village of Forest Hills Planning Board met on August 18, 2993, at 7:00 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation Building in Cullowhee. Eugene Tweedy called the meeting to order. Minutes were approved as read. Michael Germano was duly appointed to act as secretary pro tem for the meeting.
Election of New Officers
Eugene Tweedy brought to the attention of the board that it was time to elect officers. The consensus of board members was that the issue should be taken up at the September 15, 2003, meeting.
Mission of the Planning Board
Discussion ensued concerning the appropriate role of the Planning Board. There is some feeling that land use issues and planning are the concerns which the Planning Board must attend. The board is not the sounding board for the Village Council on other issues.
A newsletter would be an appropriate way to use the public as a sounding board rather than the Planning Board. A motion was duly made (Roman) and seconded (Liebermann) and unanimously adopted to recommend to the Village Council for it to publish a newsletter keeping citizens informed of current issues important to the quality of life in the Village. Issues considered appropriate, without limiting others, include litter, leases, pet regulations, and noise regulations.
New/Revised Regulations
The Village Board has received Planning Board comments on various proposed ordinances without taking action on them. There is concern by some Planning Board members that there is a significant need for the public to be informed on these issues. Firearm target practice was discussed and members indicated that they see it as an inappropriate activity within village limits.
Report by Zoning Administrator
Richard Iobst indicated his willingness to attend Planning Board meetings and to give a short report at each meeting. He indicated there needs to be more interfacing between the Planning Board and the Village Council. He informed the board of a road built without village approval and the matter was under investigation. He praised the board for its efforts in litter control and other issues, and brought up the linkage of both branches of Country Club Drive. The latter would permit traffic flow if an emergency caused the blockage of either branch of Country Club Drive.
With no further business, on motion duly adopted, Eugene Tweedy adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael P. Germano