Village of Forest Hills
Planning Board Minutes
September 15, 2003
Present: Joe Roman, Ruth Shuler, David Shapiro, Gene Tweedy; Dick Yobst, liaison from the Council.
Gene called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. He indicated that the PB minutes from last month are not available; approval will need to be delayed until next month.
Gene reported that he has communicated a request from the PB to the Council that the proposed ordinances include a restriction on discharging on firearms. He indicated that the leasing of property has already been discussed in the Council. Dick indicated that restriction on leasing by Council is not legal; he received advice from David Lawrence. Joe proposed that the PB does not need to respond to proposed ordinances other than the discharge of firearms. No opposition was voiced. Gene will draft a letter to the Council recommending that the Council move forward with the proposed ordinance, including a restriction on discharging of firearms.
Gene recalled a conversation with Rick Bennett, the co-owner of the rental units occupied by students. Mr. Bennett stated that after giving his tenants one warning regarding litter or noise violation, he asks the tenants to vacate. The PB remarked that that is all they have ever asked of its neighbors and appreciates Mr. Bennett’s concern for the community.
Recently, the PB decided to produce a neighborhood newsletter to circulate events/news of interest. Joe shared a mock-up of a newsletter, highlighting current events. All feedback was positive. The PB thanked Joe and Ruth, his wife, for constructing the model of the newsletter. The newsletter committee includes Joe, Ruth (Joe’s wife), Ruth (Shuler), Irene Hooper, Betty and Gene Tweedy, and Joe Rosanno. Dick reminded the PB that $400 has already been approved for the newsletter. Ruth described the process in place for using and printing mailing labels. The PB requests that the Council approve the newsletter format, which initially is to be sent quarterly. The PB will provide the Council a copy of the newsletter (mock newsletter) by its October meeting; the first target mailing is subsequent to that meeting.
Gene reminded that the PB needs to decide on its new officers. Before that time, Gene suggested that we clarify the purpose of the PB and nature of the process it uses to address issues. Joe suggested that we may consider having the PB meet less frequently or on an as-needed basis. Dick reminded that such a change must be approved by the Council; Joe and Ruth indicated that according to the Bylaws, the chair of the PB can decide to dispense of a meeting if there is no need to meet. Nevertheless, the public needs to be kept so informed.
The PB needs one additional member. Joe and Gene suggested that we have a 7th member installed before the PB decides if to revise the regularity of meetings and before PB elections are held (to reassign offices of the PB members). David agreed to talk with Marty Fischer about considering joining the PB. Gene suggested that all PB members talk with neighbors to invite them to consider becoming PB members.
Gene dismissed the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Submitted by,
David Shapiro