August 2017
Welcome / Call to order: at 7:05 pm Clark Corwin called the meeting to order.
Admin Items: Clark
Roll Call – Planning Board members attending: Jack Brown – Mark Ellison (Potential new board member)
Planning Board Liaison – Clark Corwin
Josh – JM Teague Planning
Absent: Ben Graning and Jayne Buchanan
3. Updates: Clark noted that there was not a quorum present but said Josh from JM Teague was attending to provide a brief overview of the Proposed Amendments to the Village of Forest hills Zoning Ordinance. Josh provided handouts of the proposed amendments with the areas highlighted were amendments were recommended to share with the group.
Josh noted that NC is a Dillon’s Rule state which means that NC Local Government can only do what the General Assembly gives permission for them to do.
Josh said with Conditional zoning details can be negotiated, in NC all Municipalities have to have a “Land Use Plan”, a vision, it is guiding document, and it doesn’t regulate land. The map breaks areas up, and the Zoning Ordinance provides specific regulations, it is a tool for implementing the Land Use Plan.
4. Re-Zoning Request: Josh noted that if a Developer wanted a Zoning Variance, he would first send an application for the request to the town requesting rezoning. The county sends the request to the Planning Board to determine if they would recommend to change the ordinance or not and it would the go through the Zoning Board of Adjustments and Council to determine being approved or denied.
5. Old Business/Unfinished Business: Clark noted that Ben Graning has gone to the court house to be sworn in as a new member of the Planning Board. He also noted that Mark Ellison and Paul Heckert have agreed to serve as Planning Board members and will just need to be approved by the Council and if approved, to be sworn in at the court house or at a Council meeting by the Clerk of Court as soon as possible.
Clark reviewed the role of the Planning Board and the board members responsibilities.
6. Public Comment: None
7. Adjourn: at 8:45 pm Jack made a motion to adjourn, unanimously approved.