June 2017
Welcome / Call to order: Jayne Buchanan - at 6:10 pm Jayne called the meeting to order.
Admin Items: Jayne
Roll Call – Planning Board members attending: Steve Brown, Jayne Buchanan, and Jack Brown
Planning Board Liaison – Clark Corwin
Absent: Lee Budahl
3. Updates: Clark said that he and Kolleen have met with a Professional Planner and are going to meet with the County planner. He noted that there is a potential buyer working with Jay Spiro on the 9 acre Hooper property, their desire is to build primarily student housing.
Clark noted that Mike Poston reviewed the proposal for Chris Green’s property and said that there would have to be conditional zoning in order to not have to do variances.
Clark shared that he went to the Rural Center of North Carolina meeting and that Balsam West was also there and said that there may be new technology coming into play.
4. UNC School of Government Modules: Clark provided a video module from the School of Government on Land Development Ordinances and amendments, Quasi-Judicial Decision Making, and Vested rights.Clark noted that the slides address amending Local Development Regulation, how Ordinance amendments are initiated, and answers questions about Zoning amendments and State statutes. He noted that the series cost approximately $325 for the set of modules and asked about potential discounts or free webinars or modules provided by the NC League of Municipalities, Stephanie will check on that possibility.
The slides address notices required for Governing Board hearings, the 2 week public advertisement in the local paper as well as posted notices.
The general rule is that any amendment to Development Regulations must be adopted by the majority of the Governing Board. There is an exception for Zoning Map Amendments; State law mandates the availability of protest petitions. A Zoning Protest Petition is to protect land owners that would be directly impacted. A hearing is provided as an opportunity to offer comments and suggestions, it is not a presentation of testimony.
5. Old Business/Unfinished Business: Clark noted that Ben Graning has agreed to serve as a member of the Planning Board and will go to the Court House to be sworn in as soon as possible.
Steve said that he will be rotating off of the Planning Board since his term is up for renewal. Clark asked that members offer suggestions or check with potential replacements of that seat.
Meeting Space: Jayne noted that the Jackson County Recreation Center is not available for the July Board meeting, she checked with the Jackson County Library and they have a room available for July 13th but not only the regular meeting date of Monday, July 20th. The Board agreed to move the meeting to July 13th at 6:00 pm.
6. Public Comment: None
7. Adjourn: at 7:45 pm Jack made a motion to adjourn, unanimously approved.