
Forest Hills Planning Board meeting Minutes 9/16/2013



Janie Prentice

Jayne Buchanan

Kent Briggs

Todd Collins

Rick Cardona

Alan Begley


Jim Wallace-Mayor

Bruce Plummer


Janie called the meeting to order at 7:00



1. Review of the mission statements that Todd had emailed to all of us

Ideas suggested that we would want to include



Land use


Minutes were approved from last month’s meeting


Mayor Wallace spoke to us about his conversation with Chris Green on the village not purchasing the valley.

1. Mr. Green was unhappy that Forest Hills turned down the offer to purchase the valley.

2. Mr. Green has not presented any official plans to the council concerning what he wants to do with the valley.

3. Mr. Green wants to meet with the planning board at next meeting to discuss his possible intentions.


Noted items concerning the valley

1. The original water source for all the village is in the valley and owned by CWS.

2. More septic's systems installed in the valley in the future could affect our water supply.

3. Any and all development done in the valley has to follow the ordinances already in place or variances for any changes would have to be requested for the

    Council to approve.


The planning board agreed to have another meeting on Sept 30 @ 7 to meet with Mr. Green and listen to his plans for the valley development.

We will also be completing the recommendation to the board for the Cave Springs Paving/Repair Project in order to have ready to present to the

Council at the Oct 8 meeting.

The planning board will also meet for the regular Oct meeting on the 21st.


Janie asked us to be prepared to discuss the mission statement and look back over the ones that we had been presented to review for

at the Oct 21st Meeting.


Clark Corwin had emailed us about a workshop in Asheville that we might want to attend in Oct. It appeared after discussion there was

multiple personal scheduling issues so we will not be attending.


Rick had attended a meeting with the New Cullowhee planning group and recommended that we attend the next one. He received very

informative information and also said we could become members of their email blog.


Rick is also drawing up the recommendations for the proposal for Cave Springs

Some of the key issues are.

1. Safety Conditions

2. Current status of road

3. Sample bids


Guest Bruce Plummer spoke up and also added that we should be aware of the issues that paving would create to the lower property owners of 

South Country Clubs if drainage repairs were not made.


Meeting was adjourned @ 8:45