March 2007

To:                   Village of Forest Hills Council Members


From:               Janie Prentice, Clerk


Date:                March 30, 2007


Subject:            Minutes of March 5, 2007


In attendance: Mayor Davis, council members Sue Burton, Joe Rossano, Jim Weir-Finance Officer, Evelyn Rooks-Weir.


Mayor Davis said a short prayer.


Financial Report was read and accepted.


Gene Tweedy gave a short report on the EDC Task Force.  They want to rewrite their mission statement. 


The Village is in support of the Jackson County Moratorium.  A motion was made and adopted to accept the statement which Mayor Davis read.


Mayor Davis talked with the owners of the University Inn.  They have offered to build a building for the Village of Forest Hills to use as their Town Hall.  They would build to our specifications somewhat and we would pay rent for the building.  A motion was made and passed for Mayor Davis to explore and gain more information from the owners for obtaining the piece of property adjacent to the right of the motel.


The Summit litigation meeting was held and resolved on March 2, 2007 at Mr. Doug Wilson’s office.  He was the mediator for the Village. Mayor Davis and Joe Rossano were present.  425 additional bedrooms is the number of additional bedrooms that they want to build.  Sue made a motion to accept the terms of the meeting.  It was seconded and passed. 


It was decided to have the Village lawyer send a letter to the owners of any single family residence that is being rented to students.  There are two, possibly three homes that might be in violation of our housing ordinance.


A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting.