March 2007
From: Janie Prentice, Clerk
Subject: Minutes of
In attendance: Mayor Davis, council members Sue Burton, Joe Rossano, Jim Weir-Finance Officer, Evelyn Rooks-Weir.
Mayor Davis said a short prayer.
Financial Report was read and accepted.
Gene Tweedy gave a short report on the EDC Task Force. They want to rewrite their mission statement.
The Village is in support of the Jackson County Moratorium. A motion was made and adopted to accept the statement which Mayor Davis read.
Mayor Davis talked with the owners of the University Inn. They have offered to build a building for the
It was decided to have the Village lawyer send a letter to the owners of any single family residence that is being rented to students. There are two, possibly three homes that might be in violation of our housing ordinance.
A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting.