January 2007

To:                   The Village of Forest Hills Council Members


From:               Janie Prentice, Clerk


Date:                February 5, 2007


Subject:            Minutes of January 2007 Council Meeting


In attendance:  Mayor Davis, councilmen Sue Burton, Joe Rossano, Jim Wallace, Villager Charlie Burton, Gene Tweedy, Trisha Davis, Attorney Doug Moore, Sylva Herald reporter Amy Hall, and Sandra Rogers, a representative for James Epley from August Homes.


Dick Iobst, councilmen, and Jim Weir, Financial Officer, were not present.


The Council did not meet in December and the meeting was postponed to January 2007.


Mayor Davis said a short prayer.


Since Dick was not in attendance, a motion was made to table the approval of the November 2006 minutes.


A motion was made to table the financial report since Jim Weir was not in attendance.


Gene Tweedy is the Village’s representative on the Economic Development Committee Task Force.  Jim Wallace suggested that Gene suggest to the EDC committee that when planning new developments and neighborhoods, that NC DOT road regulations and specifications be followed when building the new roads, and make them 2 lanes, for the safety and convenience of travelers.  Also Gene will find out if the Village is still a paying member of the EDC.


The Village had a hearing on the storm-water runoff ordinance, and all right-of-way road frontages being maintained by landowners, but had not voted on them yet.   These ordinances are already on the books and the minor changes are just a tightening up the wording. He moved that the council accept both ordinance changes.  Joe Rossano seconded the motion, and they were accepted.  Joe also made a motion to change the effective date of the amendment from January 1, 2007 to March 1, 2007.  The motion passed.


The plan that was presented to the Council for approval for the entrance to Forest Hills was a combined effort of the DOT, TWSA, and Duke Power.  All regulations required by each have been met.  DOT will do the work for us.  Joe Rossano made a motion to approve the resolution of the NC DOT to comply with their letter and drawing of November 17th, 2006 of the entryway.  The motion passed.  Jim Wallace said that the DOT has always taken care of public concerns.


Mayor Davis presented for discussion only, a letter received from a man representing Heritage Company, who is interested in developing the golf course.  The letter stated that they would like to build 55 houses with 1,400 sq. ft. on ½ acre lots.  Our ordinance now states 25-30 homes with 2,000 sq. ft. under roof, on 2 acre lots.  After a very short discussion a motion was made by Sue that the Council should not accept this proposal.  Joe seconded the motion and it passed.


Sue informed the board that a single family from Michigan, with 11 foster children, had purchased the KA House.  They are renovating the entire house and plan to move in when finished.  It was discussed whether a foster family situation constituted a business.  Mayor Davis had talked with the same person who was overseeing the property for the family and was told that he thought the children were going to be adopted. 


Mayor Davis said that the Village needs to recruit some other people that would be willing to serve on the Planning Board.  Gene Tweedy mentioned that he thought Wesley and Suzanne Stone might be interested.  He will check into further.  Mayor Davis suggested that Doug Painter and his wife might be contacted to see if interested.


Gene mentioned that the board might contact the person responsible for having the prisoners clean up the litter along Hwy. 107, to see if they could pick up on North Country Club Dr.  This had been done by them in the past and maybe their services could be utilized again, especially since it is a state maintained road.


By consensus, the Council would cease and desist sending flowers to deceased people within the Village.  When deemed necessary, they would send a card.


Amy Hall of the Sylva Herald, is doing an internship with the paper and will be attending some of our meetings.


Meeting was adjourned.