June 2007
To: Forest Hills Councilmembers
From: Janie Prentice, Clerk
Subject: Minutes of June 4, 2007 meeting (revised)
Present were Mayor Davis, Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, Joe Rosanno
A short prayer was said.
A motion was made to accept the February, April and May minutes. It was passed and accepted.
Jim Weir was absent so there was no financial report.
The Budget committee met and created a new budget on
There were no reports to be read.
The Council will ask our lawyer to write a letter to the Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson concerning their dogs not being on a leash and frightening the granddaughter of one of their neighbors.
Since The Summit consented to contributing up to $10,000 towards the cost of the entrance of the Village, it was decided to send a letter with water, electric, signs and landscaping expenses to them so that we may utilize the money.
Linda Dickert prepared and distributed a flyer regarding the black bear sightings. A big thank you will be sent to her in the form of a letter and phone call. Good information about bears was read by all.
A motion was made in order to have an animal deemed dangerous, you must contact animal control and they will investigate. Then a letter will be sent to the resident. `This is concerning the dogs on Cave Springs road and the Dunforth residence.
The meeting was adjourned.