December 2007
To: Forest Hills Council Members
From: Janie Prentice, Clerk
Date: December 2007
Subject: Minutes of
In attendance: Mayor Davis, Suzanne Stone, Wes, Stone, Gene Tweedy, Jim Wallace, Jim Weir, financial officer, attorney David Moore.
The mayor called the meeting to order and a prayer was said.
New members to the council, Suzanne and Wes Stone, and Gene Tweedy, Mayor Davis were sworn in by Mrs Ann Melton, County Clerk. Suzanne is a new council member and her husband Wes, is the new deputy zoning administrator to Dick Ibost.
Jim Wallace was chosen to be the mayor-pro-tem, in case of absence of the mayor.
The November 2007 minutes were tabled until the next meeting as the Clerk was absent.
Jim Weir read the financial report and a motion was made and passed to accept the report.
Irene Hooper gave an update of the EDC committee. They are in the process of searching for a new Director. She also is trying to meet with new residents moving into the Village.
Discussion was had concerning functions that could bring the villagers together to get to know each other and to recruit new members for committees.
Suzanne volunteered to check with someone at WCU that would know about writing and applying for grant money for the Village.
A motion was made and passed to plant Euyonomous plants instead of so much pompa grass. Pompa will just be planted at the ends of the wall/sign.
Mayor Davis will contact Joe Klein of T.W.S.A regarding the possibility of getting a water tap at the entrance.
Gene Tweedy wanted to make sure that Wes Stone understands the duties of what is involved as Deputy Zoning Administrator. Dick Iobst said he would meet with Wes and mentor him.
Joe Roman, former chairman of the Planning Board, gave a presentation of changes that the council might want to consider regarding our zoning ordinance and land use plan within the village. He has been in communication with Mr. Ron Hancock and Mr. Joe Chastein regarding amendments to our existing zoning codes. He presented a copy of our existing zoning codes and the proposed changes to the board for review.
Some of the changes to zoning ordinances would concern the golf course, five-acre minimum estates, new office and institutional area near the entrance and highway. He listed changes to #7, #10, #11 of the zoning codes. He mentioned we might consider deleting R18, M1, #11-lot size. He told the council that they might want to consider bonus options-district specific, making changes to low density to fit the need. He emphasized the importance of legally notifying landowners, by letter, that would be effected by any changes, before having a public hearing. The board-members will review Joe’s revisions , check with the planning board and make sure changes are accurately worded to reflect such changes.
Jim Wallace asked our attorney, David, to give the board his opinion of which of the examples of single family home-owners descriptions would be the best for the Village to use. David will study and get back to the board.
A motion was made and passed to endorse
CWS sent letters to all homeowners regarding the effort to reduce water consumption under the severe drought conditions that we are under.
Eldridge Spell will compile a list of residents’e-mail’s and will submit to the board when finished.
A motion was made and passed to write letters to former council-members, Sue Burton and Joe Rosanno, for the enormous time and effort spent they both provided to the council.
A motion was made and passed to move the monthly council meetings from the first Monday of the month to the first Tuesday of the month. This will facilitate when members travel and are out of town.
A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting .
Respectfully submitted, Janie Prentice, Clerk