May 2007
From: Janie Prentice, Clerk
Subject: Minutes of
In attendance: Mayor Davis, Sue Burton, Jim Weir, attorney David Moore, villagers Mr. Mannakelly and his wife.
A short prayer was said by Mayor Davis.
Jim Wallace, Dick Iobst, and Joe Rosanno were absent therefore the Council did not have a quorum in which to be able to vote on any motions.
April minutes could not be approved and had to be tabled until the next meeting.
Jim Weir read the financial report but a motion to accept it had to be tabled until the next meeting.
There was not a committee report from EDC .
It was decided to have Mayor Davis call Joe Rossano to get approval (3rd) for a quorum to pay the council’s attorney’s fee of $6,000 (which included the Summit litigation expenses), due to the fact with everyone going on vacations this summer, it will be a couple of months before the council will have a quorum to approve anything.
Mayor Davis appointed a new Budget Committee consisting of Sue Burton, Gene Tweedy and Jim Wier.
A telephone vote was held in April with Sue Burton, Joe Rossano and Mayor Davis, to get approval for the financial officer, Jim Wier, to change our banking from Wachovia Bank to United Community Bank.
A discussion was had concerning the gunshots that were heard by a few residents a few weeks ago. It was very frightening to those that heard the shots as they did not know what was happening. A resident found a bed of snakes in his yard while weeding . His friend, who happened to stop by to show his new gun, shot the snakes to kill them, as they were copperhead snakes. As the residence has young grandchildren playing in the yard quite frequently, the snakes had to be killed. It was a spur of the moment incident that happened and unfortunately other residents were very alarmed by the incident.
Mayor Davis adjourned the meeting.