Forest Hills Council Meeting 4-3-00


Village of Forest Hills Council Meeting

Monday, April 03, 2000

7:00 PM

University Inn


Present:  Mayor Irene Hooper; Councilpersons Jean Adams, Sharon Jacques, Larry Kolenbrander, Harold Williford; Clerk, Mary Ann Budahl; Treasurer, Carol Pearce; Attorney, Jay Coward; John Adams, Chair of the ETJ Committee; Geoff Willets (NC Commerce Department); Sylva Herald reporter, Rose Hooper; and approximately 28 residents of Forest Hills and the surrounding area.


Mayor Hooper called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM and welcomed everyone.


Motion to approve the minutes of the preceding meeting held on March 6, 2000 as corrected.  (Sharon Jacques, Larry Kolenbrander)  Passed unanimously.


Harold Williford reported that the Budget Committee met last Monday to propose needed amendments to the 1999-2000 budget because estimates of revenue (Powell Bill, taxes, and interest income) could now be more closely calculated.  The amendments also include some unexpected expenses.  Motion to accept Amended Budget (Harold Williford, Larry Kolenbrander) passed unanimously.


Motion to accept the Treasurer's report (Sharon Jacques, Larry Kolenbrander) passed unanimously.


Old business:


Litter Clean-up Day:  20 neighbors turned out for the event and collected a mound of trash including the carcass of a lawn mower, two unbroken wine glasses, a chair, and four full bottles of beer! 


Larry and Jean attended the Jackson County Joint Municipality Meeting on March 21 at which revaluation information was presented.  The total overall assessed valuation of Forest Hills was noted to be $15,492,000.  They also reported that since the Village is to be involved with the countywide solid waste management plan, a resolution stating this is needed from Forest Hills. Mayor Hooper will work on obtaining this.  Jean is to follow up on the countywide ordinance involving cell tower placement and construction.  Another item that was discussed at this meeting was the statewide problem of litter.  Education beginning with young children, as well as some high-profile law enforcement is recognized as possible solutions to the problem.  Sheriff Cruzan has pledged that his department will be more vigilant in the future.  (At the direction of the Council, Mayor Hooper signed a Resolution and a Proclamation dealing with Litter.  Mary Ann Budahl, Clerk attested to the signatures.)


The deadline for submitting material to The Jackson County Heritage - North Carolina Vol. 2 has been extended to May l, 2000.  Resident Ruth Shuler who was present tonight was recognized as one of the compilers of this very energetic project.


All citizens are urged to submit their census forms immediately, so that a fair representation can be obtained. 


Mayor Hooper and Sharon Jacques reported on their attendance of the Greenway Task Force Meeting held on March 7 during which the 'linear parks concept' of connecting bike trails, river routes, walkways, and so forth not only for the recreational aspects, but to improve scenic qualities as well was discussed.  Mayor Hooper is to serve on the Publicity Committee and Larry Kolenbrander was placed on the Design Committee.


Ian Pritchard submitted a report on the meeting of the Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Authority that he attended on March 21, 2000.  Nothing directly pertaining to Forest Hills was discussed.  He reported that TWSA is on sound financial footing at this time.


EDC report - none.


Budget Committee report submitted by Harold Williford.  Budget for 2000-2001 increased by $5,730.  Motion to accept the proposed budget for informational purposes at this time, and to schedule a public hearing regarding the budget at the next regularly scheduled Village Council meeting to be held on May l, 2000 at the Cullowhee Valley School.  (Larry, Sharon.)  Passed unanimously.


New business:


Sharon Jacques will attend a Risk Management Services Spring Workshop in Asheville on April 25, 2000.  Motion to pay $15.00 registration fee (Kolenbrander, Adams) passed unanimously.


Proposed letter to non-residential property owners regarding NC Department of Transportation assuming responsibility for maintenance of North and South Country Club Drives was distributed.  Vote to proceed (Kolenbrander, Williford) was unanimous.  Proposed letter to Jackson County Board of Commissioners regarding same was deemed premature, and will be held for further developments.


Agreement regarding the mowing and weed-eating of non-state-maintained roadway on South Country Club Drive was presented by Steve White of White & Sons Lawn Service to be billed at the rate of $15.00 per hour was presented and accepted unanimously.  (Sharon, Harold)


Mary Ann Budahl reported that the Forest Hills web site is now in operation, thanks to John Kevlin of Metrostat Technologies.  The address is:  It is to be maintained by Mary Ann and will eventually include the following:  minutes, residents' names and email addresses, history of the Village, ordinances, resolutions, listing of officers, notices of meetings and current events, pictures of the Village and the council members, community bulletin board, links to other sites.  Please bookmark this site to obtain the Council minutes henceforth.


Larry Kolenbrander reported that he has spoken to Reuben Moore of the DOT regarding a traffic light at the entrance to Forest Hills.  This item will be dealt with at the DOT budget committee meeting in July.


John Adams, Chair of the ETJ committee gave a Power Point presentation regarding Extra Territorial Jurisdiction.  He discussed the history and the future of the region and how the anticipated growth of the University would impact the lives of the residents of Forest Hills and the surrounding areas.  Maps showing plans A, B, B-1 and C (each encompassing a progressively larger area) were shown. He stated quite emphatically that Forest Hills cannot legally annex any surrounding area, and that this is not the intention.  The proposed ETJ intends only to regulate growth and to guide the inevitable development of our community.  Several residents of the surrounding area expressed their opinions regarding eminent domain and their right to do what they wished with their own property.  It was decided that an extended and extensive educational campaign was needed before any more action by the Council was taken.  Motion to accept the recommendation of the ETJ committee (and backed by the Planning Board) to adopt plan C after the proposed boundaries are more closely defined made by Sharon, seconded by Harold, and passed unanimously.  Also as part of the motion was a charge to the Planning Board to develop a written and verbal campaign to inform the landowners in the proposed area and to proceed slowly toward adopting the plan of ETJ. 


The Motion to adjourn (Kolenbrander, Jacques) passed unanimously. 


The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 PM.


Respectfully submitted, 


Mary Ann Budahl, Clerk