Forest Hills Council Meeting 6-19-00
Memorandum to:
Substitute for Mary Ann Budahl
RE: Minutes of Continued Village Council meeting on
Members Present: Jean Adams, Mayor Irene Hooper, Sharon Jacques,
Larry Kolenbrander, and Harold Williford.
1. Mayor Hooper reconvened the continued meeting of the
2. Mayor Hooper read items from a county resolution on a Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. A public hearing on this plan is scheduled for
3. Mayor Hooper reported that she would be unable to attend the Municipality Day meeting in
4. Mayor Hooper gave a report from Jim Wallace concerning our progress in getting signatures on our private road right-of-way petition. A significant number of signatures had been obtained. Those conducting the petition drive were encouraged to continue their efforts.
5. Hooper described her progress in finding individuals to serve on the Forest Hills Ad Hoc Road Maintenance Committee. She reported that Angela Davis, Jim Bryson, Mark Ellison, Carol Mellen, David Shapiro, and Ron Stephens had agreed to serve on this committee. Angela Davis has agreed to serve as Chair of this committee. Kolenbrander moved (Jacques 2nd) that the proposed committee and chair be approved. The Council approved this motion unanimously.
On behalf of the Village, Mayor Hooper thanked each of the members of the newly formed Road Maintenance Committee for their willingness to serve.
6. Kolenbrander distributed a written draft that described a charge from the Council to the Ad Hoc Road Maintenance Committee. After some discussion of wording, Kolenbrander moved (Jacques 2nd) that the Council approve the proposed committee charge. After further discussion it was agreed that the Committee be allowed some latitude to modify the charge as it begins to work. The motion was approved unanimously.
7. Hooper reminded Council members of our next meeting at