Forest Hills Council Meeting 9-11-00
In attendance: Mayor Irene Hooper; Council Members, Sharon Jacques, Larry Kolenbrander, and Harold Williford; Village Clerk, Mary Ann Budahl; Carol Pearce, Financial Officer; Attorney, Jay Coward; Department of Transportation representative, Jonathan Woodard; Lynn Hotaling, Sylva Herald Reporter; and approximately ten Village residents and friends.
Mayor Hooper called the meeting to order at
Motion to approve minutes of the
Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as circulated (Jacques, Kolenbrander), passed unanimously. The balance in the account is $30,827.12.
Larry Kolenbrander introduced Jonathan Woodard, an engineer with the North Carolina DOT who was invited to answer questions regarding state maintenance of North and South Country Club Roads. Mr. Woodard stressed that the petition that has been circulated to the home and property owners in the affected area is merely a "good faith," non-binding promise only. Although 100% of the signatures have not been obtained yet, the Village must submit a petition to the Jackson County Commissioners, who in turn forward a resolution to DOT. Then the DOT engineers look at the road and decide on the basis of the property and homeowners degree of support and the location and condition of the existing roadway whether it is worthwhile to proceed. The roadway is surveyed to establish a centerline, and then DOT right of way agents speak to home and property owners to obtain the legally binding, necessary right of way, which in our situation is 22.5 feet in each direction of center.
Some answers to specific questions:
Cost: DOT will spend between $2000 and $4000 for each home which is occupied full time, and between $1000 and $2000 for part time residences. On the basis of
Utility poles, fences, etc: Utility poles, fences, etc. must be relocated at property owners' or Village expense, although Mr. Woodard stated that utility poles can be located in the right of way as long as they do not pose a danger to traffic. Trees would be moved by DOT. Property owners pay for relocation of water pipes. The State will not allow gardens, fences, sight encumbrances, etc on the easement, although the property owner would be allowed to landscape this area with approval from DOT.
Mr. Woodard concluded by saying that the benefits of state roads are maintenance such as snow removal, mowing, resurfacing, etc. The negative aspect is that the roads in
When all the questions were answered, Mayor Hooper thanked Mr. Woodard for attending and for his help in clarifying these issues.
Mayor Hooper reported on the meeting of Joint Municipalities of Mayors and Commissioners held on August 15. Dr. Bardo of WCU and Dr. Groves from SCC were speakers, along with Tom McClure from the Economic Development Commission. The impact of rapid growth throughout the Southeast was discussed. Mr. McClure reported that the
Dr. Bardo stressed the importance of acceptance of the state bond referendum that will provide monies for schools and colleges. Resolution to endorse (Williford, Jacques) passed unanimously.
Larry Kolenbrander will attend the next Joint Municipalities meeting on September 28.
Harold Williford reported on the Greenway Project, which has generated much enthusiasm throughout the area. He stated that Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer (TWSA) will give right of way along the Tuckaseigee River from Jack the Dipper road to the WCU campus to this endeavor to create a walking/bicycle path. Americorps will sponsor a position to employ a person to apply for grants, etc. Motion made to endorse a resolution in which the Greenway Task Force be sanctioned as the over sight committee, and to request that the direction come from the County, with the towns being responsible for their jurisdictions. Furthermore, that the Task Force Committee be given the authority to hire and fire employees, to do grant writing and to apply for a 501c(3), and to continue to move the project forward. (Kolenbrander, Williford) passed unanimously.
Motion to request the treasurer to pay
Larry Kolenbrander will attend the next meeting on
Larry Kolenbrander will handle a request for current maps of the Village from the Traffic Safety Systems Management Unit (TSSMU) of the North Carolina DOT. He plans to get two copies of these maps from Geoff Willett of the NC Department of Commerce at a cost of approximately $25.00. Motion to approve this expenditure (Kolenbrander, Jacques) passed unanimously.
The NC Litter Sweep (clean-up) is scheduled for September 17 - 30.
Last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights many
Harold Williford reported that he has not yet received the tax information from the Jackson County Tax office that he needs to completehe Powell Bill report. He will continue to pursue this matter.
Larry Kolenbrander reported that he is waiting for more information pertaining to boundaries involving the ETJ proposal. He will report when this is complete.
Eugene Tweedy has been appointed to the ad hoc Road Maintenance Committee.
Planning Board: Steve Owen of Forest Hills Estates has agreed to serve as a replacement for Angela Davis. He and two replacements for members who will be matriculating off the Board in October will be appointed and sworn in at the October meeting.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Larry Kolenbrander and seconded by Sharon Jacques. The meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Budahl