MONDAY, JULY 10, 2000
In attendance: Mayor Irene Hooper; Council Members : Jean Adams, Sharon Jacques, Larry Kolenbrander, Harold Williford.
Angela Davis, Acting Clerk ; Rose Hooper, Sylva Herald Reporter; Dick Iobst, Planning Board Member; and 4 members of the community.
Motion to approve minutes of the June 5, 2000 meeting (Kolenbrander, Adams) , passed unanimously. Motion to postpone consideration of the minutes of June 19 meeting (Kolenbrander, Jacques), passed unanimously.
After quick interpretation of some of the figures in the Treasurer's Report, motion to accept the Report, as circulated (Jacques, Kolenbrander), passed unanimously.
1. Powell Bill-Harold Williford reported two deadlines for Powell Bill Funds: July 20, 2000-Application Package with certification by engineering firm. August 1, 2000-Village Financial Form. Required materials are in process.
2. Ad Hoc Roads Subcommittee Report-None
3. Road Petition-Jean Adams reported that some signatures had not yet been received.
4. Ian Pritchard attended a Tuckaseigee Sewer and Water Authority Meeting. His written report has been entered into the Village records.
5. Mayor Irene Hooper has delivered the requested Resolution to the Jackson County Solid Waste Management Office.
6. Treasurer Carol Pearce has sent Village information details (list of officers, population, etc.) to the NC League of Municipalities. This year the Village will be billed for membership.
7. Mayor Hooper reported that the requested County and Municipal Tax Collection Survey has been returned to the State Treasurer.
8. Jean Adams reported on the Greenway Commission Meeting held at City Hall on June 13 , 2000. Discussion covered, among other things, grants for physical activities, missed grant monies and application(s) for next year. A master plan is to be drawn. The group will also develop an educational program using billboards, newspapers, etc. Mayor Hooper also announced a Breakfast Meeting to be held at the Golden Age Center on July 25, 2000 from 8-10 AM. The cost will be $3. Ed McMahon, a Greenway Specialist, will be present.
9. ETJ-Larry Kolenbrander reported that the maps had not been received from Geoff Willett and the fact sheet was not yet complete.
1. Oakley Grant, President of the Forest Hills Estates Homeowners Association, and Larry Kolenbrander have discussed several possibilities for cross participation in matters of mutual concern. No action taken.
2. Jean Adams spoke with Mrs. Mueller(co-owner, University Inn). Mrs. Mueller indicated that all commitments for special events, planned for the fall, will be honored.
3. Sharon Jacques called attention to the Luncheon Meeting to be held at Harrah's Cherokee Casino on Friday August 4, 2000 beginning at noon. All Municipalities are invited. A presentation will be made on the new Convention Center/Hotel Project.
4. Sharon Jacques reported a "ding" in the Village Bulletin Board cover. Village Clerk MaryAnn Budahl has contacted Jerry Friesner. He can make the necessary repairs in August. In the interim, Larry Kolenbrander volunteered his services for temporary damage control.
5. Sharon also reminded the Council that the scheduled September meeting date will fall on Labor Day. Motion was made to postpone the September Village Council meeting until the second Monday i.e. September 11, 2000 and to prepare the required announcement (Kolenbrander, Jacques). Motion passed unanimously.
At 8:05 PM, motion to adjourn (Kolenbrander, Williford), passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Davis, Acting Clerk