Forest Hills Council Meeting 1-3-00

The Forest Hills Village Council Minutes

Monday, January 3, 2000


Present were: Mayor Irene Hooper, Harold Williford, Sharon Jacques, and Jean Adams.

Mayor Hooper called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM at the Cullowhee Valley School; Sharon Jacques moved approval of minutes, seconded by Jean Adams, passed unanimously.


Mayor Hooper gave the financial report for Carol Pearce, showing a balance on December 31,1999 of $21,594.60.  Motion to approve by Sharon Jacques, seconded by Harold Williford and passed unanimously.


Harold Williford reported that we hadn't received our portion of the franchise tax that is collected from telephone users.  He will check with Raleigh to see what has to be done to receive our portion.


Old Business

1. Land survey was reviewed and returned since there were no changes from last years report.

2. Discussion was held regarding responsibility for purchasing and maintaining street and stop signs.  There are some signs missing on various village roads.  Larry Kolenbrander is checking with DOT to determine the village's responsibilities and what comes under the DOT.  The Pincushion Lane stop sign is missing, and if DOT doesn't provide it, the village will probably have to buy that one.  Harold Williford has reinstalled the Community Watch sign that had been knocked down in December.  That particular sign had been installed using concrete and was still knocked over and broken off at the base.

3. Mayor Hooper has not been able to get in touch with Mr. Jay Coward, attorney, over the holidays.  She will attempt to contact him this week.


New Business

1. We received a gracious note from Carol Pearce for our expressions of sympathy over the loss of Jim.

2. Mayor Hooper has a new scrapbook showing our birth as an incorporated town, showing all the newspaper clippings and pictures from the last two years.  This is especially nice and a lot of work.  We thanked the Mayor for keeping and making a record.  Her work should make it easy for a future historian.

3. The Jackson County Genealogy Society is publishing a second edition of the "Jackson County History."  We have been asked to include a summary of our village and its creation, with pictures if possible.  There may or may not be a cost.  Sharon Jacques made a motion that we authorize no more than $50.00 to include Forest Hills in the book.

Harold Williford seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

4. Sharon Jacques moved to adjourn. Jean Adams seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.


Larry Kolenbrander could not attend the meeting because he fell the day before Christmas and fractured three bones in his foot.  Harris Regional Hospital treated him to his holiday dinner!  We wish him well and a speedy recovery.


Respectfully submitted,


Jean Adams, Council member