August 2012
August 07, 2012
The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held on August 07, 2012 in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm.
The following members of the Council were present:
Suzanne Stone
Gene Tweedy
Clark Corwin
The following Non-Council members were present:
Betty Tweedy, Village Homeowner
Stephanie Gibson, Village Clerk/Finance Officer
(1) Call to order: 6:00pm by Mayor Pro Tempore Gene Tweedy.
(2) Vote on Agenda: Clark Corwin made a motion to approve the agenda and Suzanne Stone seconded the motion.
(3) Approval of meeting minutes from July 03, 2012 Council meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from the July 03 meeting was made by Clark Corwin, seconded by Suzanne Stone, unanimously approved.
(4) Financial reports for the month of July, 2012: Stephanie Gibson provided the Financial Reports that were handed out. The budget for July included $940.54 in revenues and $5,689.45 in expenditures. General expenses included police protection, utilities, Insurance premiums, clerk fee, Attorney fees, School of Government fee, Auditor payment, Avenet web service fees, and B.H. Granning entrance fees. Stephanie noted that $5,133.31 had been transferred from the Powell Account to the Checking Account to cover Powell Fundable Items that Kolleen Begley had paid for through the checking account in FY 11-12. Kolleen wrote all bills from the checking account and then transferred money to cover items that were Powell Fundable, the noted amount had not been transferred previously so it had to be done to balance the books for the end of FY 11-12. Motion to accept the financial report was made by Clark Corwin, seconded by Suzanne Stone, unanimously approved.
(5) New Business:
(6) Old Business: Clark Corwin mentioned that he had sent a photo of the VFH Sign to the NC League of Municipalities to be added in the calendar they are publishing.
It was noted that we would add the second presentation for the “Move to Amend Coalition” to the September Agenda.
(7) Public Comment:
At 6:15pm Gene Tweedy called for a motion to adjourn, motion was made by Clark Corwin, seconded by Suzanne Stone, unanimously approved.