June Special Budget Meeting



June 22, 2012

The Village of Forest Hills held a special meeting on Friday June 22, 2012 at 10:30am at Rolling Stone Burrito in Cullowhee, NC.  The purpose of this meeting was to address a budget error. 

The following members of the Council were present:

Jim Wallace, Mayor

Gene Tweedy

Suzanne Stone

 The following Non-Council members were present:

David Moore, Village Attorney

Stephanie Gibson, Village Clerk/Finance Officer

Call to order: 10:30am by Mayor Jim Wallace

Budget Error:  Stephanie Gibson provided copies of the budget and reviewed the error in the budget approved at the regular meeting on June 05, 2012, which was the budget did not balance; the Revenues listed were $15,800 more than the listed expenditures.  A quorum present, it was decided that $2,800 of the revenues would be put into the office administrative budget to cover the clerk/financial officer/webmaster salary and the remaining $13,000 would go into the contingency fund.    A motion was made by Gene Tweedy to accept the budget as amended and seconded by Suzanne Stone. 

At 10:45am Jim Wallace called for a motion to adjourn, motion was made by Suzanne Stone, seconded by Gene Tweedy, unanimously approved.