October 2012
October 02, 2012
The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held on October 02, 2012 in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm.
The following members of the Council were present:
Jim Wallace
Suzanne Stone
Clark Corwin
The following Non-Council members were present:
Stephanie Gibson, Village Clerk/Finance Officer
Maggie Tobias, The Sylva Herald
David Moore, Village Attorney
Ben Granning, B.H. Granning, Inc.
(1) Call to order: 6:00pm by Mayor Jim Wallace.
(2) Vote on Agenda: Clark Corwin made a motion to approve the agenda and Suzanne Stone seconded the motion.
(3) Approval of meeting minutes from September 04, 2012 Council meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from the September 04 meeting was made by Clark Corwin, seconded by Suzanne Stone, unanimously approved.
(4) Financial reports for the month of October, 2012: Stephanie Gibson provided the Financial Reports that were handed out. The budget for October included $8,569.53 in revenues which includes the first disbursement for the Powell funds in the amount of $5,602.24 and $4,032.38 in expenditures. General expenses included police protection, attorney fee, audit fee, clerk fee, and entrance operating expenses. Motion to acceptthe financial report was made by Suzanne Stone, seconded by Clark Corwin, unanimously approved.
(5) Village Entrance: Presentation by Ben Granning: As the Council requested, Jim Wallace spoke to Ben Granning and asked what he would recommend to improve the entrance. Ben presented his plan, he suggested moving several of the trees at the entrance that were spaced too closely together, the area where the North/South Country Club Dr. meet as well as improving the lighting situation. He noted that there are about 15 Cherry and Hawthorne trees planted on the north side of North Country Club Drive where it intersects with South Country Club Drive. Granning said about six of those trees need to come out of that area so that the others are able to grow. He said that those trees are valuable and could be moved and replanted across the street.
Ben suggested some light landscaping on the opposite side of the road as well as redesigning the North/South Country Club Drive space and adding some stonework to the base of the sign and planting some perennial flowers on the Iobst property. Also, the current lighting needs to be upgraded, the lines need to be buried, and the fixtures need to be waterproofed. He said that upgrading the lighting to commercial quality would be approx. $1200. - $1250.
Thinning the trees and replanting will be between $1000. - $1500. Clearing the underbrush, landscaping, planting evergreens, and some shrubbery will be the largest cost; it would be between $4500 - $5500.
Jim asked what the additional maintenance cost would be per month if the proposed landscaping and improvements are done and Ben replied that it would be $30.-$35./mth.
Suzanne said she liked the plan.
Clark Corwin mentioned that projects costing over a certain amount had to be put up for bid, he feels the most expensive project might be in this range. Jim Wallace said that he would call the League of Municipalities to check on the amount of money spent that requires bids.
Another issue could be the ownership of the different areas of land in question, specifically the land with Duke Energy power lines on it. Attorney Moore said the process of getting a title for the land could require easements and could get complicated, he said he would look into the ownership of the land and see what the board would be allowed to do. Board members need to determine where Forest Hills resident’s property lines end in the areas in question.
Clark made a motion to have the attorney research title issues and determine what actions need to be taken; Suzanne seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
(6) November Meeting: Change meeting date to November 13 to avoid election conflicts: Suzanne made a motion to reschedule the November meeting from Nov.6 to Nov. 13 due to the election, Clark seconded the motion, unanimously approved. Clark suggested that a calendar be created at the beginning of the year taking into account any known conflicts to reduce absences. Jim said that he had planned for this conflict in January when he reserved the room at the Rec. Center.
(7) Erosion Control Report by Lofquist and Associates: Jim Wallace shared Victor Lofquist’s proposal to correct the erosion problem behind Plummer, Spell, Wallace, and Tweedy homes. Board members decided to table the report because two board members were absent. The cost estimated by Lofquist to install closed culverts and stop the erosion problem was around $160,000. Corwin stated that since the cost was so high, paying for the work would have to be stretched out over several years. Jim said we have already raised taxes, we aren’t doing that again. Jim said that through careful reading of the report, he found that most of the erosion problems could be solved by proper lawn maintenance. He noted that at his house, he installed a series of staggered railroad ties on the slope of his yard so water ran down progressively from one to the other and that did help the problem, however his neighbors cannot remedy their problem in a simple manner.
(8) Cullowhee Community Planning District: Clark presented a map of the Planning District. Suzanne said that the Planning Committee held an open meeting on October 3 at 3:30pm.
(9) Sponsorship of the Cullowhee Fire Department’s Annual BBQ: The Council declined to sponsor the annual BBQ since the Village had recently donated money to the Fire Department in the amount of $3500.
(10) New Business: Jim asked about having the Planning Board look at the budget in the future for long range projects. Clark made a motion that a mission and vision statement be developed, Suzanne seconded, unanimously approved.
(11) Old Business: Clark asked Jim if he had met with Rick Bennett about the road issues previously discussed and Jim said that he did speak with Rick and explained that Green’s Excavating had done some grading in the past and that he had not seen the same type problem since. Rick told Jim that if he had further issues he would call him.
Jim said that he has not reached the appropriate person at the NCDOT to discuss the possibility of installing traffic mirrors needed in blind curves as previously discussed. The proposed mirrors would be located at the intersection of Oak Forest Drive and Virginia Lane and would most likely not be covered by NCDOT. Jim said he did not see the problem when he drove in that area. Suzanne said her home is close to the area in question and she has heard and been involved in near misses that could have been accidents and School buses stop in that area. Suzanne and Clark discussed it being a safety issue and that the cost of getting mirrors installed if not covered by the NCDOT needed to be determined and discussed with the Council. Jim said that he contacted NCDOT but had not heard back. Suzanne said that she would call NCDOT.
(12) Public Comment:
At 7:40pm Jim Wallace called for a motion to adjourn, motion was made by Suzanne Stone, seconded by Clark Corwin, unanimously approved.