July 2012



July 03, 2012

The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held on July 03, 2012 in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm.

 The following members of the Council were present:

Carl Hooper

Gene Tweedy

Clark Corwin

The following Non-Council members were present:

David Moore, Village Attorney

Stephanie Gibson, Village Clerk/Finance Officer

Avram Friedman, Presenter for “The Move to Amend Coalition:” 

(1)  Call to order: 6:00pm by Mayor Pro Tempore Gene Tweedy.

(2)  Vote on Agenda: Carl Hooper made a motion to approve the agenda and Clark Corwin seconded the motion.

(3)  Approval of meeting minutes from June 05, 2012 Council meeting and Special Meeting to correct Budget held on June 22, 2012:  A motion to approve the minutes from the June 05 meeting was made by Clark Corwin, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved. 

A motion to approve the minutes from the Budget meeting held on June 22 was made by Clark Corwin, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved.  (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website.)

(4)  Financial reports for the month of June, 2012:  Stephanie Gibson provided the Financial Reports that were handed out.  The budget for June included $2,580.45 in revenues and $1,905.70 in expenditures.  General expenses included police protection, utilities, Insurance premiums, and clerk fees.   Motion to accept the financial report was made by Carl Hooper, seconded by Clark Corwin, unanimously approved.

(5)  Presentation for “The Move to Amend Coalition”:  Avram Friedman gave a presentation on The Move to Amend Coalition.  He thanked the council for allowing him the opportunity to share the information.  He noted that he is a representative of a Non-partisan National Movement that would like to reverse the Supreme Court’s decision in 2010 on Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commissions case in which the court defined corporations as people and money as a form of speech that cannot be regulated for the purpose of limiting Corporate Political Campaign Contributions.  Gene recommended deferring any decisions by the village until the absent Council members were present to discuss the issue.  Gene asked that the topic be added to the agenda for next month.

(6)  New Business:   Carl Hooper mentioned that the NC League of Municipalities is doing a calendar and the village is not in it.  He suggested that we send a picture of the Village of Forest Hills sign and submit it to be included in the calendar.  Clark Corwin said that he would take a photo of the sign and submit it.

(7)  Old Business:

(8)  Public Comment

At 6:25pm Gene Tweedy called for a motion to adjourn, motion was made by Clark Corwin, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved.