UtilitiesThe following companies service the Village of Forest Hills: ELECTRIC: WCU Electric Resale 828-227-7285 (office) 828-227-7224 (outages/emergencies) https://www.wcu.edu/discover/campus-services-and-operations/electric-resale/ WATER: Carolina Water Service, Inc. 1-800-525-7990 https://www.myutility.us/carolinawaterservicenc If you have questions besides outages, billing, or customer service, you may contact the Area Manager, Stacy Adcock, at 828-230-4809. WATER/SEWER: Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Authority (TWSA) 828-586-5189 (office) 828-506-0681 (after hour emergencies) http://twsanc.us/ TELEPHONE: Frontier Communications 1-877-969-0363 http://www.frontier.com CABLE/INTERNET: Optimum, Verizon Wireless, DirecTV, Dish Network, Frontier, and SkyFi Optimum 866-347-4784 http://GetSkyFi.com 828-421-3055 Travis Lewis https://internet.frontier.com/ http://www.directvdeals.com/contact-us/ HOME SECURITY: ADT or Frontpoint https://www.yourlocalsecurity.com/near/north-carolina https://www.frontpointsecurity.com/ Robert Lang Business- Vivint.Security Phone-( 855) 848-4681 Address- 794 Nicholson Cove Rd, Suite 2B, Cullowhee, NC 28723