Vision Statement: The Village of Forest Hills aspires to be a welcoming, safe, and thriving residential community. Nestled in the North Carolina mountains, the Village seeks to maintain its unique setting, both environmentally and culturally, by fostering an active, friendly, and healthy community.
Mission Statement: The Village of Forest Hills exists to maintain and promote the general welfare of its residents and enrich the lives of each citizen.
Guiding Values: To support our vision and achieve our mission, Village leaders and citizens are guided by the following values:
1.Through its policies and council decisions, the Village will maintain its commitment to maintaining a safe, pleasant, and peaceful residential community while promoting managed growth and development in-line with Village needs.
2.The Village will foster cooperative working relationships with other governmental agencies, community organizations, Western Carolina University, and residents to meet the needs of the area. The Village will seek constructive communication and collaboration from those within and outside of its borders.
3.The Village will maintain an open and transparent government, act with respect when dealing with all citizens, treat individuals fairly, and encourage wide participation in all official actions.
4.The Village will foster a strong sense of place in seeking to protect the natural beauty and environmental surroundings of our community.
5.The Village will foster communal relationships between residents and seek to promote positive interactions among all citizens living in the Village.
<<<< Meeting and Event Calendar
Forest Hills Assembly Hall
97 Market Street, Unit 101
(Off of North Country Club Dr.)
Cullowhee, NC 28723